The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence and character is the goal of true education. – Martin Luther King Jr.
I am very glad to share about our institution to our parents, students and well wishers. Sacred Heart Girls PU College provides not only information but also it caters the need of each individual. We ensure quality education which motivates and empowers our students to be ultimate learners and dynamic members of the society. We want our students to discern the purpose of life and to achieve their goal. Our task is to make it possible through our mission. We create an atmosphere where each child receives love, dignity and acceptance.
Lecturers at Sacred Heart Girls PU College are highly qualified and experienced mentors who are committed to support each student’s learning experience through tremendous instruction and guidance. We believe that parents are the child’s first teacher and parents play a vital role in educating their children. We always strive to build a strong parent teacher relationship which is very important for the academic success of our students.
It’s common to remember famous leaders and distinguished individuals by their accomplishments and wise quotes. The insights and experiences of successful leaders and professionals can be a valuable source of inspiration and motivation. So I end my message with the words of the great inspirer of youth Swami Vivekananda: “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life, think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.”
With Prayers and regards,
Sr. Janet Sudha

Sr. Janet Fernando SSAM

M.A., B.Ed, M. Phil
Lecturer In Economics

Lecturer In History B.Ed
Lecturer In Physics

M.A. , PhD
Lecturer In Hindi B.Ed
Lecturer In Biology

Lecturer In Kannada

M.A B.Ed., M.Phil. (Philosophy)
Lecturer In English

M.Sc., M.Phil, PGDCA
Lecturer In Mathematics

MSW, MA (Sociology), MA (Economics) B.Ed.
Lecturer In Sociology & Political Science

Lecturer In Computer Science

Msc.,M.phill., ( Computer Science)
Lecturer In Computer Science

Lecturer In Chemistry

M.A., B.Ed.
Lecturer In Kannada

Lecturer In Business And Accountancy

M.A., B.Ed.
Lecturer In Sociology

Lecturer In English

Lecturer In Business Studies and Accountancy

Designation: Clerk

B.A, Comp
Designation: Office & Com.lab Assistant

B.Sc, B.Lib.Sc.
Designation: Librarian

Designation: Lab Asst.

Designation: Attender

Designation: Attender

Designation: Attender

Designation: Attender