Literary Clubs Fest 2024

Literary Clubs Fest 2024

Rita Mae Brown said, “Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.”.

From the last week of August to the first week of September 2024, the Kannada, English, and Hindi Literary Clubs at Sacred Heart Girls’ PU College hosted their annual Literary Clubs Fest. This was an annual fest wherein students get a very exciting platform to showcase their talents in linguistic and literary backgrounds in all three languages.

A number of competitions were conducted, such as debate, model making, essay writing, slogan writing, memorization of poetry and writing poetry. Other events were also planned for this purpose where the students could get creative and dive deep into the ocean of languages and literature.

The students were presented with immense enthusiasm, embracing the spirit of the fest and showing off their talents. In such an event, one learns to appreciate the rich literary traditions of Kannada, English, and Hindi and encourages students to pursue more vigorous efforts at honing their literary skills.

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”- Ludwig Wittgenstein

The Literary Clubs Fest 2024 ended with sheer enrichment and further motivation for the students to carry forward their passion for languages and literature.

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